Its a typical morning in an Iyer joint family.The year is 2010 and mankind has made a giant leap in the field of technology.The alarm in her mobile prompts her to get up & she wakes up to the strong smell of camphor, incense & the soothing melody of Rama Nama.Its 5AM... her day has begun and had started much earlier for the senior citizens of the house who unmindful of the changing scenario will not leave a stone unturned in carrying out the daily rituals with religious fervour.The aroma of the filter coffee is an intoxication & the kick needed to kick off.The courtyard swept and cleaned,the kitchen now awaits her. As she wait for her Fairy Godmother to make her appearance ,she is already halfway ..the vegetables cut and the cooking on under strict guidelines...."Thou shall not cook without bathing,thou shall not taste the food at the time of cooking,thou shall not touch cooked items & milk products at the same time,thou shall not carryover food into the refriegerator,thou shall not waste food ....& thou shall be a strict vegetarian."The food is offered to the Gods & the crow gets the first mouthful.The Iyer Fare is now ready to be served....
She is a storyteller.The crazy Tambong has a few lively anecdotes to narrate and share, from the comfort zone of her air conditioned lair. She does not growl but has imbibed the qualities of a Bengal tigress royale. She wishes to reign over a few hearts and remain forever loyal. The blog is a tale of her journey from the humble tram to the ferry, from the land of the impressive Hooghly to the enchanting oriental journey.
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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...