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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com   ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

Thursday, September 22, 2016


.........When the block bug threatens to bite.......
I will look out of the window for ideas to write..
I will listen to the sound of the swaying of leaves
and the peals of laughter below the trees .
I will wonder why the sky is crystal clear 
when the met has predicted stormy weather.
...I will thence raise pertinent questions to clear my  doubt......
.....I  will interact , involve others , debate and laugh  aloud.....
I will read a page, stay vigilant and be well informed .
I will walk a mile,take a cue and write what I observed.
I  know that  brilliant ideas can pop up any moment.
Prudently,I'll make the  best  use of the present .
Using my intellect and without inputs from the net,
I'll be inspired to write on topics of my interest.
I will  certainly  not   succumb to any senseless  rumour.
Instead, I will hold on tight to my sense of humour.
I will scroll paper pages and enrich my knowledge.
I'll browse the net selectively and take the pledge.
“ I the writer,hereby responsibly do affirm ,
to the best of my abilities,I do confirm,
that the use of the pencil, pen and ink,
having been dispensed with forever,
in MS Word, I may type,
using fonts which I like.
Formatting and styling apart,
I may also use Word Art.
I may insert drawings, which are exclusively mine
where a need to acknowledge sources,will never arise.
Having said this,with tech to aid
and   an  open  real  window,
I will write in verse or prose
and  express  my  thoughts
 in  a  style  unique  to  me ,
 without any meter,data or wifi.