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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com   ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

Friday, June 24, 2016


This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com !

Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !

A portmanteau of the words British and Exit is BREXIT.
Would that cause to render an union decrepit ?
or would the union bounce back better ?
grow by leaps and bounds, stronger and greater ?

Immersed in thoughts and tales of history,
of relinquishments, annexures and victory,
of subjugations and the fight for freedom,
I was playing scrabble in the quest for wisdom.

Portmanteau of Oust and Austria is OUSTRIA.
Bye to Belgium for BYEGIUM in all it's gloria,
Czech and off and CZECHOFF it is.
Denmark to Quit as DENQUIT and I'm in splits.

ESTOVICT is morphed from Estonia and Evict.
and Finland headed for a Shift to a stable FINSHIFT.
Germany is set to run for a stronger GERRUN,
and now care to join me in this game, Anyone ?

The Brexits have set the ball rolling.
Playing with words is so fulfilling.
Hungary and please let's Break for dinner.
Some voted for HUNBREAK and an union got thinner.

Shown the way, Italy is all set to Leave
as ITALEAVE, leaving an union to grieve.
Luxemborg to Pass through to LUXEMPASS,
reducing the union to a tiny landmass.

Voting for a referendum too,
Malta is set to bid Adieu
as MALTADIEU, an economy self sufficient
and as a nation safer and independent.

As NETHERVALE, Netherlands followed suit
even as experts were trying to get to the root
of a larger problem as one that could impact
the world as a whole. Was it time to exercise prudence & tact ?

T'was the moment to Depart and the turn had come
for Portugal to take a stance from
either opting to remain or to follow the torchbearers.
Thus was born DEPARTUGAL in search of better pastures.

Are we moving out too ? Spain and Out ! exclaimed Senorita.
Handclapping and finger snapping, she danced, as the pretty Maria,
into SPAINOUT, expressing her anguish in a soulful melody
T'was an outpouring of emotions arising from separation and melancholy.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
Why should nations break away from where they belong ?
Should they not stay together in times of adversity ?
Does not strength comes from unity and diversity ?

Acknowledgement : Images from the internet.
Inspiration : Online Circulated Word play .

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