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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com   ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Many reasons one can cite to be happy about,
and yet why do we always  focus on a grey cloud ?
If irritants seem to bother,it makes sense to turn away,
make a mood shift,drift with calm and wear a smile on the face.
So there you see, you already have a reason to be happy about.
Why should one fret or fume over a long wait,
when all one one has to do is to sit back and relax,
or a go getter,with a passion for challenge,to get things done,
Go ! grab the reasons you need  to be happy about.
 Raising one's standards to excel and also fulfil one's aspirations,
or moving naturally with the flow with an intention to reach the goal,
are time tested methods to achieve the end and also feel good.
So there you have all the right reasons to be happy about.
Assuming everything happens for a reason,some beyond one's control,
when one can handle disappointments,losses and yet move on,
unpredictable situations, if one can face with grit and elan,
isn't this progress and also something to be happy about ?
When one is caught offguard and movements hindred,
one pushes obstacles,wages a war with despair and still forges ahead,
when realisation dawns that difficulties are finally behind,
overwhelmed is one and isn't this something to be cheerful about ?
If in the midst of a situation,when one has to compromise,
if be the need to share pleasure ,melancholy or  pain,
if one can open his heart out to a loved one,one is reborn again,
and reason everlasting enough to be happy about ....
When one can assess oneself truthfully,
based on his plusses,minuses,failures and success,
would he not dwell upon his laurels alone ,
as a reason to be ever thankful and happy about ?
If one does look back with pride,notwithstanding a future insecure,
evaluates one's real worth based on  past sacrifice,
would one also not feel that failures have not been in vain,
and so one still has the reasons to be happy about.
At the end of the day,if one were to evaluate one's performance,
place achievements and attainments on one side,
unfulfilled dreams and desires on another side,
if the former outweighs the latter,
isn't it sufficient reason to be happy about ?
Life comes with an expiry date and the clock is ticking away,
So hurry ,place your order for the Happymeter  today,
Grab the early bird offer and sing a happy song,
and find all the reasons that you may need to feel happy about....