The net has worked & the revolution has entered the Iyer household.The family boasts of three generations who dispute to differ & conform to agree.Its a beautiful blend of youth,wisdom & experience.The patriarch is the only member untouched by the gadgets & unfazed by the day to day transitions.The landline is his lifeline.Post paids & prepaids make no sense.Online billing and he is not willing......Yet he has the final word.& as he browses thro the newspaper....all matters get the stamp of approval/disapproval on the dining table.The atmosphere is a rare blend of conflicts & agreements.The patriarch disagrees only to agree later & give in to the whims & fancies of the texting meditechs.As the day progresses manually & digitally,the temple becomes more divine catering to the needs of friends,relatives & well wishers.......
She is a storyteller.The crazy Tambong has a few lively anecdotes to narrate and share, from the comfort zone of her air conditioned lair. She does not growl but has imbibed the qualities of a Bengal tigress royale. She wishes to reign over a few hearts and remain forever loyal. The blog is a tale of her journey from the humble tram to the ferry, from the land of the impressive Hooghly to the enchanting oriental journey.
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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

Saturday, March 29, 2014
Navrathri day two !
"WOW ! Not much progress," mumbled a beaming Pattu mami.The daily Navrathri Puja was taking up most of her time .
"Please the mother Goddess for nine days.Sing hymns in her praise and chant her divine name a thousand times," Ma would say.I listened to her in rapt attention as she rendered lovely musical compositions all in praise of the Divine Mother.
Ma was married on the 1st of September 1963.A petite newly wed Iyer dame fluent in English,Tamil.Telugu and Hindi travelled all the way from Secunderabad to her inlaws home in Calcutta.
As she stepped on Bhagirathi land,Subbu said "The Durga puja is approaching.This is the best time to be here in this City of Joy and I am sure you are going to enjoy every moment of your stay in this city."
Viji was not too sure though.She had her apprehensions.Yet ! slowly but surely she was getting involved in the Bengal culture.She was on a vacation,a tourist coz !Subbu would plan a daily itenary and take her in and around the city.
It was the month of October 1963.Puja frenzy had begun.The festivities were yet to begin but the mood palpable.:Localities were gearing up for the celebrations and Viji was wonderstruck.It was during the month that Subbu suddenly planned a trip to Kumartuli
Kumartuli is a potters village in northern Kolkata. By virtue of their artistic creations these potters have moved from obscurity to international prominence. This Kolkata neighbourhood,supplies clay idols of Hindu gods and goddesses to pujas in Kolkata , its neighbourhoods and now all over the world.![]()
Certain customs are observed religiously ,while sculpting the clay idol of Durga. On the auspicious day of the Rath Yatra festival, clay is collected from the banks of the holy Ganga. The entire process of idol-making, from the collection of clay to the final stages of decoration and ornamentation, is considered sacred.
Another important event is Chakkhu Daan, that literally means ,the donation of the eyes, which occurs on a special auspicious day when the artists paint the eyes on the face of the idol.
It seemed like a dream come true.The semi completed clay idols fascinated Viji.The deft nimble fingers that worked on the deities amazed her.She was bewildered at the sheer talent of a group of people......The clay idols were coming to life and it seemed like a trip to the abode of the Gods.
"Learn a lesson from the clay ," Ma would say."Life is not a bed of roses but you have the power and the strength to mould it as you wish.Lead a pious life and be flexible.Try to be as eco friendly as possible.Our Earth is rich in resources.Use the resources carefully.The Earth is sacred ,and worship Bhoomi Ma." she would go on....
She would repeatedly say"So !Give the Golu an eco touch.Decorate the steps with mud dolls and wooden dolls.Remember to connect with the earth .We rise from dust to go back to dust..............Yet ! as I spotted a papier mache doll in my Golu,paper eco friendly too,an inner voice seemed to question the same earthy sentiment and the story teller in me was searching for answers as a logical explanation for a break from convention,and the transition from the Simple Steps to the Elevated MODERN DAY THEMATIC GOLUS ......![]()
Ouch ! A stiff back ! Well ! Well ! I am happy nevertheless.....Now ask me why ?
Ahem ! Ahem ! I hope some of you,will go through this post of mine and the ones who just troll feel free to do so.
As I lay on my bed last night,I did not dream of a thousand moons,I did not wander into dreamland....It was plain deep slumber....a good sleep after a hard day's work.
Before you wish to skip the read,let me tell you that the intention of this post is plain speak and you shall read the mind of a TamBrahmBong.
As a kid ,I was brought up in a rather liberal Iyer family where the elders were conservative unto themselves.I was raised to value traditions and customs in a spirit of merry making.....& the zest for life came from the celebrations.
A festival was an occasion to wander away from the routine and appeasing the Gods was an excuse to break free.Ma was just like any other over indulgent mother.I was pampered and yet i was not spoilt.I was allowed to oversleep on holidays and she made sure that the bedroom was pitch dark till I got up.
She was an early bird though .I remember watching her going about her tasks in a rather easy manner,a trait that I have picked up from her and thank my stars for that.
Mahalaya holds a special place in my memories,a day that can never skip away from my schedules however tight they may be.Ma used to tune in to the Chandi path at 4AM on the Mahalaya day.She would wake me up and I used to get up immediately.As she listened,I would be beside her.
"The stillness of the night has a calming effect and the Chandi Path can soothe your senses said Ma." I was rather naive and yet I liked to get up .The reason is simple.Ma is a good story teller and that's another trait that I owe to her.
"Close your eyes and look up at the skies.Can you hear a growl ?Can you hear the clanks of the weapons?"she woulds say."Ma Durga is fighting a battle with Mahisasur.The fierce battle has begun on this Mahalaya day and she will emerge victorious on Dashami.she would go on.....
The Chandi path done,a demure Iyer woman would get back into business.The Mahalaya chant is a melody that can infuse tremendous energy and evoke the Mahisasura mardhini in any woman.Ma was no different.Single handeddly she would supervise Navrathri celebrations at home.Dad chipped to build the steps and arrange the dolls.
As I emptied the lofts yesterday and brought down the mud dolls,a busy doc was fixing the slotted angles.The steps have been neatly arranged.I boast of a heirloom of dolls some nearly 50 years old.My collection is a blend of the old and the new,and reflects my taste for tradition as a mix of ritualistic beliefs from Tamil Nadu ,Andhra Pradesh ,and West Bengal cultures.
So that is the way i am.Back breaking work cannot stop my zeal to carry on the Navrathri festivities.I am raring to explore,waiting for creative ideas to further enhance my GOLU.....All ideas are welcome and YES ! I TUNED IN TO MAHALAYA CHANDI PATH yesterday...Vital Energy Good enough to last for one more year ....
Oh ! My God ! She's a Woman !
She is by my side all day long.She is a constant companion,a guide,a mentor,a confidante and so,very close to my heart…
Daily,I wake up without an alarm and when I get up ,she is wide awake.Mind you! she does not sleep a wink.
I love to sleep and I can fall asleep,when I wish too.That’s a gift,I inherited from her…She sings “Rock a bye Baby on the LapTop “Sleep Darling sleep," and I love to obey She is such a sweetheart…
Mother had a long list of do’s and don’t’s..She said..” We are all up by 4AM.Its perfectly ok if you oversleep upto 5AM.”…With a lump in my throat ,I had nodded my head as if to say…”Oh ! You are so generous.You are so kind.Thank you so much.”...Anyway,that was a habit,I had to cultivate, much to the annoyance of my companion.I must have really offended the kind hearted soul….
Nevertheless,since then,I have come a long way ,sometimes abiding by her wishes and sometimes not. Today my body clock is tuned in such a way that eyelids force close at 10 PM and open at 5AM sharp..I am her diehard fan ,when it comes to sleep patterns that she designs especially for me .In the midst of a one to one live conversation,one day,she had told me,”7 hours of Beauty sleep every day,keeps age defying lotions away…Needless to say ,I was thrilled….How could I go against her wishes…..
She is fresh at the crack of dawn.She likes an oil lamp burning bright,the fragrance of the sandalwood incense and the hot cuppa .So I will please her .At my back,constantly,she nags,and yet,she is a source of great motivation.The days headlines and idle surfs can wait,she says,because duty comes first.A good leader leads by example and all that he has to do is to show the correct path,for others to follow.She does just that....Inspite of her repeated warnings,I do manage a few sneak peeks....
She is perfect,she is obsessed,she claims what she says is right.I must be idolizing her otherwise why would I be blindly taking orders..I must be loving her passionately…that’s exactly another reason why I can take her for granted and also disobey her….
But for her,I would have ignored the hanging cobwebs.She reminds me of the pending laundry work and the vaccum undone.The larder is half empty,I know,because she keeps reminding me of that.She is the mastermind behind all my decisions.She decides the daily breakfast,lunch and dinner menu ,my holidays,my friends,and what I should wear to work and to party.She plans my budgets,oversees my expenses,curtailing wherever she deems fit.She approves my exorbitant purchases too and prepares my draft daily conversations minute by minute…She helps me to exercise restraint and also express anger.She teaches me to love,respect,fear,abhor,help,ignore,like,dislike be kind ,accept ,refuse and don various roles…..
She asked me to pray one day and then she gave me faith.Aspire,she said and then gave me the reason to work.She placed stumbling blocks on the way and then she gave me the strength to overcome them..She showed me the path and then I did not look back…..
She watches my movements,and brings me back to track,when I stray.She likes me to do what I like to do and I am happy doing what she thinks I like to do.She must be guilty of being crazy. She drives me nuts.She made me write all this,saying ,”Unwind my dear ! “..
She’s my conscience…..Goodness Gracious ! She is My God......
If taste buds could be tingled from afar.Oh ! Yes !I am back to my ruminating ways.The weekends give scope for increased hunger pangs and I love to wallow in the essential spices that pep up my thirst to innovate ,experiment and search for the guinea pigs.Essentially,cooking stories has always been my forte.I have to be honest.My entry into the pantry was a rather forced one.It was a compelling desire to please people and thus began the journey.
I am sure all of you would agree that we are not born with a ladle in our hands.Neither do genetic traits always carry the passion to brew,boil or stew.Mom and mother-in-law are Kitchen Queens in their own right.Having been exposed to the grind at a tender age,I look in awe at their tenacity even today.Did The aruvamanai sharpen their skills ? Could The aatu kal and the ammee be the reason for the soft behaviour.It is a story of the mortar and the pestle,a life of willing hardwork ,a teary crush and a cheerful grind.
Having been initiated into an oven, mavbe not though ,at a very tender age,I slowly developed the passion ....a passion that gave me room for creativity too.Simple management techniques come into play and I wish all the B schools could take in a tip or two from the working of an organised kitchen.With no offence meant to any particular community or person,the TAMBRAHM has not evolved much as far as cooking and eating habits are concerned.A safe guy,he still prefers to confine himself to the precincts of AATHU SAMAYAL.
The mornings still begin with the degree coffee kumbakonam style...Some households have shifted to Tea too.Yet a filter coffee continues to be a hot favourite...and any conversation during the day is sure to bring about references such as.....ANTHA KADAYIL Kapi podi Supera irrukku.Each one to his own choice...."A" Evvalavu ? "B "Evvalavu ,Chicory venuma vendama ????The coffee filter has given way to the coffee maker...Yet the priorities haven't changed,The first few drops of the decoction are still sought after.
The Puzhungarirsi kanji continues to make waves....and all that is nostalgic is yummy today.Breakfast has not changed much .Idli,Dosai,Pongal and upma continue to maintain the top slot....A hot second coffee Sip break is a must too .
Mamas and mamis are unwilling fora total change in culinary practices in the 21st century too.Its a continued tale of commitment.....commitment to savour the aroma that Patti had instilled in the veins.So we have migrated and crossed shores....but the love for the tamarind ,lime,mango and the tomato remains afresh.Our cooking is incomplete without the Kothamalli and the karuveppilai .We yearn for fruits ,vegetables and rice ,sambar and piping hot rasam,thokku , podi & thugaiyal,ussili & paruppu.....appalam & vadam.....& that's about all on a daily basis .Less of Oil and great to taste...Simple it is ! and that's the way we all are.......descendants of a clan who have made Cooking so easy for us...Shouldn't we be ever thankful to them ?
Yashoda Bhavan is a landmark building on Gariahat junction.In the early seventys,Kannamani and Krishnamurthy migrated to Chennai.While the younger siblings Chandru and Lucky moved to Delhi and B'uru respectively,Subbu stayed on.The Hum Dho Hamarey Dho family moved from the dilapidated building near Triangular park to a plush third floor apartment in Yashoda Bhavan.
Nayaki was a spritely little teenager then,and Ambi was her shadow.The building housed around 50 families mostly Marwaris and the icing on the cake was the presence of kids nearly our age ,in most of the families. Infact as I grew up,in the midst of family and friends,somewhere down the line,unawares,each one of us mingled beautifully,a strange bond that helped not only to foster relationships, but also aided in imbibing the strengths from the respective cultures.
In this post of mine,I wish to bring out the influence of Marwari culture in my influence that I feel has also been a factor for bringing out the best in me.I am indebted to my mother for instilling good values and I also owe some of my qualities to another strong lady.
Simple housekeeping tricks can keep you happy and stress free said Chandra the strict Marwari mom.I was amazed .It was a holiday and it was the routine practice to get up,follow a not so strict morn regimen and rush to have fun with the Khaitan siblings.The three Marwari kids and the two Iyer kids went on to earn the dubious distinction of being THE FAMOUS FIVE.They did not mind though.It was great fun to be together,laugh hysterically,discuss the craziest possible things on earth and playfully execute some of them, right under the noses of the parents.So ! while the Iyer kids feasted daily at a Marwari home and in the process learnt to make yummy Marwari dishes,the Marwari kids ,especially the older girl was always to be found inside the Iyer's kitchen......probing various Iyer Recipes.
Chandra was an immaculate lady and Viji had a penchant for cleanliness.The combo that boasted of mutual qualities of perfection and orderliness were a silent influence on all the kids.....and it is here that I would like to stress upon the importance of good housekeeping to unwind and relax..Chandra would oftenly say " Beta Kaam karo....apna kaam aur doosron ka kaam bhi karna seekho.Chotey chotey kaamon mein khushiyan milthi hai.Chowka saaf suthra rakho.Roz Bisthar aur thakiyon ka chhadar badla karo,kapda dung sey sametna seekho......aisa lagey kee isthiri kiya hua ho......aur apney Ghar sey ithna prem karo ,kee jub bhi kissee bhi kamrey kee tharaf dekho tho mun khil uthey. "
Chandra aunty was right.Her prescription is a boon for me today.I have now reached the stage where I now tell my girls.....take a break,lend a hand in the kitchen and experiment,throw a few colourful cushions around,change the curtains,bolster up a rainy day with fresh potted indoor plants,add the odd antique knick knacks in some corner,keep an aquarium if you can.........and watch the results....Its amazing...I have tried it successfully.You can too........
Please do not flare up.I have to admit that I see a Bong link wherever I go,a Kolkata connection in whatever I do.It is common to bask on all that is old and absolutely normal to rewind and be on a flashback mode even at work.
It was just another normal day at work....The week had begun with a few glitches.Friends reported sick with headaches and yet attended work as usual.The
home front houses a clinic too and it was a spectacle to watch....firey eyed friends in day and night glasses.
He was not a habitual offender....a stickler for punctuality ,Mr M arrived late on Monday. MrT and Mr W followed suit..on Tuesday and Wednesday......I started getting the jitters.With misty eyes and running noses predominant, the work places in and around an arterial road ,presented a bleak picture of distorted vision too. But as they say every cloud has a silver lining,and so I recommended the afflicted ones I knew, to visit the friendly neighbourhood Doc.
Its mid week and the allergy continues to be viral.As friends and strangers made a beeline to the clinic nearby, I was thrilled....Oh ! let me tell you that if you are able to understand within a split second ,what I wish to convey , when I proclaim in ecstasy "JOY BANGLA" then you undoubtedly, belong to the category "A BONG ONCE,IS ALWAYS A BONG...TAM or OTHERWISE"
Incidentally,for ChenEYETES who may be curious and for the others too, let me tell you that ,the friendly neighbourhood Doc happens to be.....a kindhearted ophthalmologist....& though I feel the sting ,I am not red eyed as yet.......I hope the meaning has been conveyed to Madrasis too :-))))))
A trip down memory lane during this time of the year. AAAAHA ! is a smooth sail....a voyage that is not real and yet is so satisfying,a virtual tour that tales me to a state of total bliss.......and so, I wouldn't mind reliving my childhood days,a million times in the form of my posts .
I am back with my thoughts for today ,a little late though.....A depression
can be so depressing.As I woke up to the the sound of thunder,I could also see streaks of lightning through my window.It has been raining incessantly for the past couple of days....a real dampener indeed.Life has been thrown out of gear and a water tank up above has a gaping hole I fear.I was set to supervise Navrathri celebrations indoors and with nothing much to do, I set about doing what I love to do the best,,,,DREAM !
Ma said.."Dear girl ! it is Mahashoshti today.Can you please go and invite all our friends ?Let us have the real Golu Kondattam from today ."Nayaki was excited.She was thrilled.She was all set to release a new dress each day from Shoshti till Vijayadashami.
In the meantime Nayaki's friends had assembled already."Oh ! Can you please come soon...We are going to hop and Ekdalia is going to be the first stop.The pandals will be very crowded from tomorrow onwards.Let us have the first glimpse today," shouted the pretty Gariahat citizens.Even before Ma had given the permission ,the girls had dissappeared....It was just the beginning of four road days ahead...
Today Pattu Mami has built a small pandal at home sans Chanda/Vasool....Its a creative effort of two generations......and the PUJA FEVER has begun.I am miles away from the happening zone and yet the fervour seems to be the same.
My Golu theme for the year 2012 is based on the Durga Pujo.Five brass lamps(KUTHIVILAKKUS ) have been adorned in finery and decked in jewellery to resemble Durga,Lakshmi,Saraswathi.Karthik and Ganesha......It is Maha Shoshti today and my idols have come to life.....& .Sarbojoniyo Iyer Durgo Pujo welcomes you all :-)
I could take a few lessons on time management .Whoa ! and I could give some tips on procrastination too.....and for this I shall take a leaf out of my grandma tales.
Kannamani was a wheely working wonder.She was a well bred illiterate and yet exhibited some of the finest home and finance management techniques that could well qualify to enter the curriculum of a m
anagement course.
Krishnamoorthy was slow when compared to his deft moving better half Kannamani.....She was quick to react and respond to any given situation....a trait that Nayaki wishes to emulate today to keep in pace in this fast world.
It was in the seventys that Nayaki had a taste of the kind of smart labour ,that when put into use was effective in efficient management of time, along with proper completion of work with the optimum utilisation, of the limited resources available.
Those were the days when Kannamani ran the show ,alternatingly with a Kerosene stove and a mud chulha .The monthly provision included the cotton wicks and Kerosene was available in plenty across the ration counter.
Today we have connections with links that simplify our chores.In the absence of a gas connection or an induction stove and under austere conditions,Kannamani was making hay .
Nayaki vividly remembers the golden words "Dear girl !Always remember to boil water before cooking and keep hot water handy always.Soak rice and pulses in hot water...saves time on cooking and therefore fuel.Some vegetables can be cut and blanched....Just pour enough boiling water to cover the vegetables and your vegetable will be ready in a jiffy....Had Maggi been around those days,she would have devised means to boil down the cooking time to a few seconds...and I mean it.She was a rapid live wire.I remember her using the Rukmani Cooker,the functioning of which I have forgotten...Yet ! the lessons, that I learnt to work under pressure, hold me in good stead today.
Cleaning was not an onerous task too.The cooking done and the mouths fed,the vessels went below a running tap and then into a huge tub with hot soapy water...The final wash and the rinse was over in minutes.She never saw a dish washer in her lifetime.
Clothes met with a similar fate...though hot water was used judiciously only for the whites.The collars and cuffs got a scrub,the heavier clothes a whack ,a rinse and out they went under the scorchy sun for a pat dry.The precious colours were handled with care and they searched their way to a comfort zone of a cool shade...the hand wash regimen that seems so simple....Aah !I do not wish to even dream of such a task today.
All this and more,and with time to spare,Kannamani never missed her daily date with the Gods in the nearby temple,a long walk in the parks and the chatting session with her friends...Had she been around I guess she would have been online too.
I wonder if the Idli batter had anything to do with her grey matter....coz I can also recollect that stones rolled manually, to roll out a steady supply of batter every alternate day...though Mom kept saying "Too much of urad dal is not good for the brain.".....Funny !!!!!
I asked her, " Please !Could you spare some time to create a small green patch outside my ground floor apartment ?'Rohini was busy in the garden and the nimble fingers went about deftly,planting fresh saplings neatly in a row.A group of young women worked day long for the upkeep of the beautiful lawn inside the office campus and Rohini was one of them.
I was seeing her for the first time.I asked her "Are you new to work ?"Without even caring to look up.she replied "Yes ! Madam...I am here since last week,she spoke in chaste Tamil.
Oh ! Madam ! I am a little busy these days.Please give me your contact address and I can offer my services during the weekend after Diwali.That's perfectly ok ! I said...
Stooping down,she bent her neck and went about her work very sincerely.Her hair was tied in a top knot and she replied to my queries without looking back at me.I did not wish to disturb her any more and I went my way.
It was the morning rush hour and the bank was doing brisk business.It was my routine visit to the bank...a cheque drop,a passbook update and the usual courtesy call...The manger is a good friend too and I dropped in to say a Hello.
"Advance Diwali wishes Sir !" I said..."So how are you doing ?I am fine ."he replied. "How are the Docs ?" he enquired..."They are doing good,I said and went on to ask,"Sir !Can you please do me a favour ? If you have no objection ,can I use the services of Rohini during the weekend ? I saw her working in your lawn and I am impressed.She is so agile and makes gardening seem so simple...I need to take a few classes from her."I said.
The manager smiled and said "Yes ! Maam ! She is a very good worker ,"and then went on to add..."Rohini is a very special woman with a great deal of self respect.She is more capable than most of us .She seems to have magic in her fingers....a very disciplined woman...a trait so uncommon amongst casual labourers." he added.....and went on and on in praise of the young woman....
As I listened he said...".Maam ! We see colour and light and we praise HIM....Rohini works in darkness and yet she sings hymns in HIS praise...Rohini is Blind and yet she sees sense...We have the gift of sight but do we really have the vision...the Manager asked ?
I was left speechless !!!!!!
Yashoda stared in disbelief."You will not do that,I hope you can understand, my little boy.".. she said.The little prankster was a hyperactive kid and kept Yashoda on her toes all day long.
As she gaped in awe and to her utter dismay,and before she could stop him,the lad hurriedly grabbed the pair of shoes lying nearby and flung it outside, from the
third floor balcony.
As Rahul grinned mischievously,a seemingly innocent Gokul emerged out of the balcony.Yashoda was in tears and her little boys were jumping with glee..
"This is just one of the pranks that my boys are upto anytime of the day remarked Yashoda.I keep a close watch and I am always alert,"she said."They are blessed with a mechanical bent of mind ,remarked the young mother....and so I have placed most of my household appliances out of their reach," she added.
This is an excerpt of a conversation ,when I met Yashoda a few years ago."It is very difficult and yet pleasures of motherhood ,Aaaha." she said.
Two days ago and after a gap of nearly 10 years,I happened to meet Yashoda and her children at a function.I was thrilled.After all,it was a reunite with a close chum after so many years.
When her twin boys were 5 years old,her husband ,a bank officer was transferred further south.We kept in touch and wished one another on all occasions.I would enquire about the activities of her kids and she would say ,"Oh ! Thankfully they seem to be mellowing down with age...I had met the kids a couple of times and they were Oh ! so lovable."
Now,here I was meeting them again after a decade.It was a pleasant surprise and I spotted Yashoda first..."Oh ! How come you are here ?' I asked her."We have just been posted back to Chennai ,"she said and in the process of shifting ."she added."How are your little boys ?"I asked her..."Oh ! They are fine,grown up to be six footers and she pointed her fingers towards the two tall boys standing in one corner of the hall.
I was taken aback..."Who they ?I was not too sure,As we talked,the boys moved towards us and as they neared me,Yashoda introduced me to them..."Hey Please meet my sons Rahul and Gokul.They are fifteen years old."I was still in a state of disbelief ,but I was happy to meet them.
We chatted together and it was fun.The boys were cheerful just like the mother......Infact a carbon copy of the mom.Yashoda added..". Rahul aspires to be an aeronautical enbgineer and Gokul wishes to be a doctor."
"Please give me your address "I asked.Immidiately Rahul took out a pen from his pocket,brought out a paper and started writing with his left hand...."Is he left handed just like you ?I asked Yashoda..."Oh ! Yes ! and Gokul is right handed like his father.
The boys have taken after me in their looks and their Dad in their behaviour.
So what's new? you may all ask ?Well ! Nature never ceases to amaze us and when I came across the boys after so many years I was surprisedly stunned too.The persona revealed all the traits of Yashoda and here let me tell you,that, she is not their biological mother.Yashoda had adopted them as new borns and I was fully aware of that....
This is not the only case of adoption that I know amongst my close circle of friends..... What amazes me even more is the tremendous parent child bonding in all such relationships in the absence of the umblical link.
and I left the function with mixed feelings and unanswered questions....
Kausalya supraja rama purva sandhya........
With the soothing ,lilting melody of The Suprabatham in the background,Thangamma was lighting the kuthivillakku...Seated at the far end of the spacious living room was Kumarasamy,Thangam's toothless consort.Stretching his head out of the newspaper,he called out to his dear wife..."Adee Aye Thangammma.!..Where's my coffee ? Married for more than fifty years,the couple were forever at loggerheads.
Unperturbed,she walked silently towards the old man and placed the davara tumbler on the side table and walked away..
It was a busy morning..Earlier,at dawn,she had gone to the garden to pluck the Yerkam leaves..It was Ratha Sapthami on that day,the year 1964...
Kumarasamy called out again.." Thangamma...Our son-in-law has come.Please serve him breakfast.".Thangam's daughter Gnana lived close by and it was practise for the daughter and mother to exchange goodies especially sweets,bakshanam etc..On his way to work or back home the son-in-law Ramanthan would also drop in for a brief visit almost everyday...
"Chinni came yesterday from Calcutta.She will be here for a month..he said...
It was summer time as always,Chinni was at her parent's house in Secunderabad for a vacation...
Thangamma was overjoyed..."Please tell my granddaughter,that I will be coming to pick her up today eve..I am planning to attend a Sundara Kandam Parayanam..Please ask her to be ready by 5PM ," she added.
Saying that he would do the needful,Ramanathan left....Meanwhile Thangamma was busy.She went about the mundane chores in routine fashion.
Earlier in the morning,after taking a bath with yerukam leaves ,draped in a nine yard kanjeevaram,with diamonds as accessories,a big round vermillion on her forehead,she had prostrated in front of her husband Kumarasamy...Kumarasamy was stunned..He had even remarked..." THIS OLD WOMAN IS GOING BONKERS !
Short and slightly plump,Thangamma was fair complexioned and very beautiful...That is what everybody who has seen her have to say about her....
As planned,she was ready for the Sundara Kandam parayanam by 4PM...She informed Kumarasamy...."PaarunGo..I am going to attend a Sundara Khandam today evening.Please have dinner and go to bed.I will be late." saying she had left...
In five minutes,she was at her daughter's place...."Chinni ! she called out...Variya ?..ITHO AMMa varen,"Chinni came out beaming...She loved her maternal grandmother so...
Thangamma handed over a steel tiffin box to Gnanambal...Gnana..."I made Mysore Pak specially for you.Why don't you also come with us ?"
Gnana : ILLAMMA ,I have a lot of work to do...Saying Gnana stayed back...
The hall in Keyes High School was the venue for the Ram katha.Slowly Thangamma and Chinni managed to find a place in the front ..
The katha began and the viewers listened in rapt attention..Thangamma was elated and she closed her eyes...Chinni was happy too..The parayanam lasted for nearly three hours..
The mangala aarathee had just begun when Chinni patted on her shoulder and called out." Thangamma...Its nine PM..Shall we go home ?"..Thangamma was still seated with her eyes closed...Chinni called out again.." Chella ThangOn pogalama ?
There was no response..A panic stricken,Chinni held on to her with both her hands ,shook her and then Thangamma's head drooped down....
By then a crowd had gathered around the two...Sensing the situation a doctor present in the hall arrived..He checked the pulse of Thangamma and declared her dead...
The world had crumbled in front of her eyes..Chinni was very attached to her grandmother.She was inconsolable...
An hour later,with Thangamma by her side,Chinni reached home...Kumarasamy was fast asleep...He was shaken up from slumber and news was broken to him....He said in tears "Why is this woman prostrating to me early in the morning,I had wondered..he said his voice choked ......Thangaammma You have left me alone in this world..How will I survive without you ? he had cried and then slowly withdrew into a shell,,,,,,,,so says Nayaki's mother Chinni...The ever growling .Kumarasamy died a couple of years a silent forlorn and a helpless recluse...
She is here with me for the past one month and mind you not a single day has passed without frequent exchanges of diverging views.If I see eastwards,she is bound north,south or west.Well ! we open our mouths to argue with one another and neither she nor me will ever relent.
At break of dawn,when the aroma of the brew is spreading, the war of words begin.In the midst of every minor skirmish,we part ways after a few minutes .Very soon we are so engrossed in our respective activities that we forget for what we had squabbled Peace has reigned yet again...
She is old enough not to listen to me and I am old enough ,not to stop giving a piece of my mind.Advice I see it, as a piece of one's mind that one loves to give to those who either do not need it or to those who are not going to abide by it anyway.In the heat of any altercation,I always forget that I love to give away generously the piece of my mind,without retaining a bit for myself.She pointed out this to me the other day and went on to say."If that's so simple why don't you do it,"she had said...and I was just requesting her to fill the empty water bottles.....or was it something else. ???????Huh !!!!!
Advice goes unheeded.Its pointless telling her..You are going to be responsible in somebody's home one day.."Ha ! that's what your mom told you , right ! and that your mom will not be at your back to take care of your needs..Right !!!!!.I can manage myself,she will retort promptly...
She speaks for me and she also replies on her own behalf..Well ! I will not be surprised if she comes up with something like...."Do you think I am going to confine myself to the four walls ." No way ,dear," I will say....
Yet ! She will be an able homemaker I know I know...
"Did i question her ? No I do not think so.I am not so naive.I will not dictate terms to a twenty one year old...or maybe I did !" I wonder.
"Bouts of amnesia perhaps,"saying I comfort myself..
But she sure drives me crazy.."Why the heck was she justifying her arguments? Oh !I must have posed a few silly questions,I muse....Nevertheless she is also entitled to air her opinion ,I thinketh....
Its been a month ,I told you.She is ready to leave.Duties of internship beckon her.Now she will hug and kiss me GM and GN.She will make my coffee .She will cut veggies and clean the cupboards.She will lend a helping hand and the ears too.Do I look good in this kurtee,she will ask me.You are the best,she will say.You are working so hard.You are awesome.Love your cooking...Can we go shopping ,she will ask. Pleaaaaaaaaaaase come with me to the tailor,she will say..I need a pair of slippers.Can you select tops for me ?..
At night,she will embrace me tight and cuddle up beside me.....and say Ma ! I will miss you......Love you Ma !!!!!!!
The skies had been torn apart.A fierce Goddess had opened her third eye. Lakshmi,Saraswathi.Karthik,Gan
"The dark thunder clouds that cover the firmament are Devi Durga's long ebony curly tresses said Ma."The embodiment of love and compassion is on a mission today," she added.
A little girl, listened to the tales that Ma wove so b
each time as Ma said something new,her curiosity would be aroused
further.A clever Ma went on to say "Her empire extends over the vast
expanse of the skies and across the earth. The Universe is her
creation,it belongs to her and equally to all her children.Her
benevolence reaches the good and the needy.She is an image of pure love
and pure love alone , can appease her.She will not tolerate evil in any
form and hence she is there out in the skies,raging a fierce battle to
vanquish an evil demon "...Ma went on .......
Mahisasur was causing untold miseries to the Devas in the heavens and also on innocent men,women and children on earth."The Goddess has taken this incarnation to establish the victory of good over evil....Shall we continue the .Navrathri celebrations in anticipation of her victory ?"...a loving mother asked her child.."Oh ! Yes ! Ma !Please "..."Remember we also have a job to calm an angry Goddess "...the mother added.
As I went about my Navrathri assigned work today,I remembered her words."Light a Kuthivilakku every day and maintain an Akhanda deepam ,"she would say....The Sundal is important too.The Goddess will be pleased.Make a special payasam every day and offer it to the Devi."
Words of advice have not fallen on deaf ears.A well illuminated temple is a pleasure to behold to the eyes and the ambience turns divine on its own.
It rained heavily last night....and continued till the early morning hours.As thunder and lightning struck intermittently, I was wondering if Ma was indeed right.....Earlier in the evening.and for the past few days,news channels have been agog with tales of extortion and amassment of dispropportionate assets in the form of real estate......
I was bewildered."Far above,beyond the horizons,Devi Durga must be quite annoyed," I muttered to myself....."She has perhaps taken upon an onerous task yet again and hence the unabated growls ,"I thought...
Unable to battle out tenhandedly ,has she deputed thousands like her,to cleanse and purify the self styled empires ?".......I wondered .
I chuckled.....Unable to hide my laughter I told myself AAH !"That's another story to be handled later,"...I better send out the Golu invites right now ...& That is PRIORITY....:-)
Mahisasur was causing untold miseries to the Devas in the heavens and also on innocent men,women and children on earth."The Goddess has taken this incarnation to establish the victory of good over evil....Shall we continue the .Navrathri celebrations in anticipation of her victory ?"...a loving mother asked her child.."Oh ! Yes ! Ma !Please "..."Remember we also have a job to calm an angry Goddess "...the mother added.
As I went about my Navrathri assigned work today,I remembered her words."Light a Kuthivilakku every day and maintain an Akhanda deepam ,"she would say....The Sundal is important too.The Goddess will be pleased.Make a special payasam every day and offer it to the Devi."
Words of advice have not fallen on deaf ears.A well illuminated temple is a pleasure to behold to the eyes and the ambience turns divine on its own.
It rained heavily last night....and continued till the early morning hours.As thunder and lightning struck intermittently, I was wondering if Ma was indeed right.....Earlier in the evening.and for the past few days,news channels have been agog with tales of extortion and amassment of dispropportionate assets in the form of real estate......
I was bewildered."Far above,beyond the horizons,Devi Durga must be quite annoyed," I muttered to myself....."She has perhaps taken upon an onerous task yet again and hence the unabated growls ,"I thought...
Unable to battle out tenhandedly ,has she deputed thousands like her,to cleanse and purify the self styled empires ?".......I wondered .
I chuckled.....Unable to hide my laughter I told myself AAH !"That's another story to be handled later,"...I better send out the Golu invites right now ...& That is PRIORITY....:-)
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