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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com   ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

Monday, April 28, 2014


Oh ! how many more innocent lives will the borders claim ,
and for heartbroken loved ones,life will never be the same.
The rest of the world  places a wreath and sings praises for a week.
Alas ! they , the ones who live on ,in this world, "WE" are mute and weak.
The soldier hath proclaimed and we declared that he was born to die,
a death untimely,so we also say , we the ones who are still alive.
We rue,we condemn ,but who are we to determine his short life span ?
We say the almighty loved him immensely and this was his plan.
Did not the stars augur well,when he passed out ?
In the presence of beaming parents,he carried clout.
Responsibilities we have shirked,we have failed miserably to protect him.
He is the torchbearer of the nation,does he deserve an Obituary hymn?
He announced to the world that he was in love and swept her off his feet.
Oh ! Dear ! Destiny is so cruel.Why did they ever meet ?
Dimpled,a smile so pure,he leaves behind a distraught family and a glorious past...
Devastated and anguished he must have been too ,when he meditated on his wife and child as he breathed his last.....