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Monday, March 16, 2015

Pick IT up. Pin IT up. All day,you Will Have Good Luck !

Please read "IT" as " it "

Much though I would I would like to be independent of IT , I cannot. Much though I would like to lead a simple life without IT, I cannot.We are all physically attached to IT ,at sometime or the other and little wonder that, IT has always been as integral part of our daily life.

I was born a little more than four and a half decades back and my association with IT started the day I was born.Nearly half a century and the thousands accumulated over the years,if available with me today, could, when joined, one with the other, also be a few miles long.

Whenever and wherever I set my eyes on IT ,I am tempted to pick IT up and also ensure that IT is kept in safe custody. Yet ,when in dire need, I am searching for IT.

Mayawati is my trusted servant.Anything of value,other than IT, lying on the floor is promptly handed over to me...I noticed this just a few days back.No wonder they went missing.

I keep IT in my handbag and my little purse.I know IT will be of use and I take pride in donating IT generously.That's an act of plain kindness ,where everybody is free to borrow without any qualms and nobody minds lending either, without any regrets.

Whenever I go shopping,it's on my TO BUY list.When I am done with my shopping ,IT is still on my TO BUY list.When I need IT, I go crazy searching for it.I make franctic efforts to locate atleast a couple of them,and that's maybe just a couple of days after I had filled my cart.The older women,like my mom and mom-in-law have a ready stock.So when the search options are exhausted,help is always near ,as the last alternative.

Coming to the efficiency part of IT, ofcourse,none of us could ever do without IT. Over the years, we would have accumulated a few thousands and lost them too. I had decided one fine day,many many years back,that I would keep one in all the vantage sighting spots. Yet ! they dissappear. I have also tried to take stock of the situation,why they dissappear repeatedly, periodically and why I continue with the same probe always.

When I am no longer able to change a situation,I am also challenged to change myself and after a thorough examination of my routine activities ,I have come to a conclusion that I can not change.....all for the sake of a SAFETY PIN......