Just because I happen to be a favourite does not give me the right to brag .Right ! I agree whole heartedly.I keep reiterating this so that each one of you may understand that when I write,I speak my mind.My capabilities are highly limited ,restricted to a few activities within the confines of a home ,an office or any other comfort zone wherein I can adapt and be myself.
Here I would like to stress upon , a subtle difference that differentiates me from the rest,all of whom are more experienced,multifaceted ,highly talented,very humble ,who either do not write or exhibit their talent.My salutes to them.
My tryst with the keyboard began a few years back when I also realised that though I had the potential to be a leader ,I preferred to stay in the background.I am still very much the same.I am at home taking orders and implementing them to the best of my ability.
If I cut veggies, I have a selfish interest.I like to slice,cut,shred and chop.The sight of the vegetable cart is enough to be send me into a frenzy.It is a joy to simply sit on the floor ,keep a bowl of water ,listen to music ,segregate the vegetables and go chop chop chop on the chopping board with a sense of achievement.It is a pleasure to shell the peas,pop in a few into the mouth,grate the carrots,cucumber and tomatoes for the salad and chew the fragmented ends.
So by the time the mami has arrived,I have created a beautiful working atmosphere for her.These are the small things that matter a lot and small tasks that each one of is doing...not just me.
In the absence of the mami,I take a small break,write to rewind and hey presto ! I have donned a new garb...
Now I hope you can understand the difference.I speak about the Aam Aadmi and his daily contribution ,I speak for the sake of others, I speak on behalf of that community at large,on behalf of the unsung men and women,who prefer to remain in the background ,selflessly silent,whose service is unseen and unheard.
This was an intro if you may like to call it so.The intention of the post is to highlight the qualities of a good leader.
Each one of us is a leader at sometime or the other ,somewhere.The responsibilities change according to the circumstances..
It could be home,workplace,any comfort zone,where over a period of time as we assume responsibilities we become leaders.It is as simple as that.
A leader is one who takes on responsibilities not because he is compelled to,not because he is paid for being so,but because he likes to be accountable.That is the sure sign of a good leader.
He needs people around to help him.They are not his subordinates.They are also leaders.By delegating duties to each one of them,the person at the helm is initiating,making them accountable and helping them to lead.Hence the saying..Lead by example and catch them young..
So as one takes on willing responsibility because it is in his interests to love,care or serve,expect help to which he is entitled,refuse assistance in order to create awareness of accountability,he is in fact , creating new leaders,who at some time of their lives are going to emulate his practices,adapt themselves with the changing times and again lead by example..This is how leadership works..
A good leader begins work at the ground level.He takes responsibility for the basic foundation of any work , is involved continuously in the work,monitors the progress and because he foresees the favourable change,he is absolutely confident that the goals can be reached.Such a person is not afraid to speak out when the intentions are good.Any new change proposed is bound to face stiff opposition and a good leader knows that too well.
Undeterred by brickbats or any protests he will carry on unfazed because he is absolutely certain of the exciting and good prospects ahead....