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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com   ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dreams 'n' Drapes

The ambience is perfect and the live shoot is on.The location is a saree boutique at T.Nagar in the heart of Chennai.I am absolutely normal....as normal as any other Indian woman and I can spend hours in the midst of a saree pile and experience the sublime.The scene at the outlets go to prove this and more.The six yard is a woman's best friend and I am proud of my national attire.Pretty women invade the counters and the helpless boys are a happy lot.Ever wondered why most shops here have men guarding the saree counters ???Now you know why....& why some even have faithful toothless gaping oldies showing off the colourful drapes.Dressed in  delightful weaves the gorgeous women walk the floor and admire themselves in the huge mirrors adorning the walls.The seller sure knows how to attract the fairer folk and entice them.Inflation never seems to matter here and the DA increase enough to help me shop without major guilt pangs.As I leave for work the next day,I admire my collection and yet i am dissatisfied..My cupboard cries for help as I pull out a crisp cotton and I SIGH!!!! How I wish I were born in a Nalli or Kumaran family!!!!!!