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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com   ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

Monday, January 5, 2015


FB is getting wierder by the day.So and so likes my post .So and so comments on my status.Incidentally the post and the status are the same.

Nevertheless ,let's proceed to something interesting.Do you want to hear a story ?Never mind..It's not too long...:-)

How was Thiruvadhirai friends ? Mine was great..I forgot to tell you all that I live in a joint family where my old parents- in -law get younger by a few decades and are mentally transported to a traditional Tambrahm village on every festival day or maybe all of you are aware of my family tree by now...

So ! please feel free to skip and read.I am only adding content to my blog.:-)

This, you see is more like a direct conversation with you all.Now since I have resolved to blog, like it or not I will have to write..and so I narrate :-)

As a friend advised , I will start writing by inserting a Pullaiyar shui at the beginning of my document.My windows is already Fengshui compliant. I am not original.I am a good observer ,a good listener and I associate myself with people who not not just exude positive vibes,are not only warm and friendly but most important they are down to earth and practical..

Down to earth reminds me of the Chennai earth that has been dug up at several places..Its dug really deep,excavation work is on and the metro is only a matter of time.How long I do not know ?

Anyway,why would I be saying all this ?

From 1st of January , as I have already made public , a resolution that I am determined to stick to, I will reach office on time.Not that I have been going late all these years,just saying, so that you may all understand the gravity of the situation...

Now ! you people jump to hasty conclusions,and I have to keep reiterating that I speak on behalf of a community at large and in order to reaffirm my faith in myself,coz I am sometimes led to believe that I may not be so.........."I am and will only be myself."

My intention is to blog.The refriegerator was stocked with fresh farm veggies.That is the impression I get when my father in law orders for the vegetables.The vegetables were spread out on the kitchen floor.An old woman was excited and the young woman cleverly concealed her gnashing teeth under a wide beam.

I calmed myself and went about arranging the vegetables . It was 4PM on Sunday and by late evening the cut ,diced ,and peeled veggies , neatly arranged in a huge thambalam tray were ready for the next day.

I told you planning is important . So what do you make of this ? I was on time to work.I have also resolved not to open my computer system in the morning hours.This gives me more time to dress better and feel truly good.

The roads are so bad,I stopped using the two wheeler from the 1st. I now commute by an auto . My office is just 2kms from home and at times I take the pedestrian route..

Yesterday was no different.I wanted to be in office on time . I packed my bags,checked for the contents...the mobile,glasses and all and left . As I walked upto the auto stand,a neighbour was also  leaving for work . She offered to drop me and I was thrilled . I had saved 40 bucks..

I reached office on time , was on my customary table by 9.30AM . I was very happy with myself..

Now here comes the tale , the twist to the story and sorry to say so , it would be sufficient, if you could read from here onwards..

The community about which I refer to repeatedly , is a wonderful group of people , loving , kind and compassionate.They are so engrossed in their activities , that they cannot bear any ill feeling towards anybody or even think about hurting others . Since they give others the space , all that they expect is space and the feeling of importance that comes with it..This just motivates them to work better.

What I keep forgetting to tell you all is that these men and women are prone to be forgetful too .This is a concession that you have to give to them coz what they forget or leave behind is in no way going to be detrimental to others..

I opened the drawer to keep my belongings...The mobile ,charger and my glasses went in.The bright green jute bag carrying my lunch occupied its place on the side table.

It was then , that I realised that I had left my purse at home..I went about my work unfazed. My friends went to the canteen .I avoided saying that I was busy.They went to the stores.I said I was too lazy...

Simple ! I did not have money to spend and I did not wish to borrow.Neither did I want anybody to know that I had forgotten to bring my wallet..

It was 5.30PM and time to leave..I would walk home ,I had already decided...

With the ongoing metro work, it is a day and nightmare for pedestrians.Police are helpless and the metro workers chip in helping pedestrians to cross the road..

"A day almost over and done without a purse in my hand.Phew ! I will be home very soon ," saying to myself , I waited patiently to cross . I had waited now for more than 10 minutes.There was no policeman in sight and no volunteer either.

Suddenly , an elderly man dressed in metro uniform, came towards me waving a red flag.He was a volunteer.He stopped the vehicles on the Mount Road near Vanavil and helped me to cross..

When we reached the other end , he held out his hand.." I have not had food today.I don't have money. Madam ! Can you please give me Rs 20 ?" he begged.

He could have been lying.This was the first instance of a volunteer asking for money.I could neither believe nor disbelieve him .I could not tell him that I did not have money.

Yet ! at that juncture I was also inclined to believe him more.He was frail,weak and looked tired.As feelings of compassion seemed to overpower me , I was overwhelmed with a sense of guilt too ."Oh ! how could I be so careless and forgetful ," I reprimanded myself . At that moment,I was frustrated and helpless .

Whether it would have been a right decision ,I am not aware..But if I had the purse in my hand,I would have certainly given him the money.He helped me to cross the road.In fact ,these men are doing a great service.They are perhaps paid a measly amount and they are there on the roads ,all day long , in search of a livelihood.

Bluntly! I refused to give him the money.Though personally I do not like to give alms,especially to the women who walk around with babies in their arms,this time around I was truly upset at not being able to render a fee where it was due..

Maybe not a twenty ,I would have certainly given a fiver.That was not me there ...I was not being myself....I was pretty rude as I walked away.....