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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com   ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

Sunday, October 24, 2010


The scene is a shot straight from a war zone.The period is the 21st century and the time a typical morning in a family with school going children.Kids are pulled out off their beds and they go right into the bathtubs.A bath apparently given,off they are bundled into cramped school buses with a load the tender backs can barely bear.
Little Subbu,Chandru, Lucky & the two Kumaris were however a fortunate lot.The eldest son of Kannamani went straight to the Vth std.& brags of the so acquired Penta Fold promotion even today .It was a Walk In admission for the heir apparent and the younger siblings in some of the most prestigious schools of Calcutta and later in the best colleges too.The mother oblivious of the happenings around her was carrying out her daily rituals with steadfast devotion & commitment.
The little boys took turns in getting the daily bottles of milk....and little Nayaki loved the taste of Haringhata milk.The day began with the cup of coffee...and it used to be a COFFEE DAY each day.. All they  needed to do was to roast the coffee beans,grind it to a fine powder in a hand machine ,extract the decoction in a coffee filter &.....Hey presto!!!!!! the cuppa was ready to be served........

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