The iyers were a jolly lot who worked hard to freak out.times were hard and water was scarce.With a dozen mouths to feed,kannamani went about her daily chores in steadfast fashion.She had a modest upbringinging in a tiny village near Villupuram.A young bride barely in her teens stepped out into the big good world.With a short Krishnamoorthy by her side ,Kannamani made Calcutta her home.
She is a storyteller.The crazy Tambong has a few lively anecdotes to narrate and share, from the comfort zone of her air conditioned lair. She does not growl but has imbibed the qualities of a Bengal tigress royale. She wishes to reign over a few hearts and remain forever loyal. The blog is a tale of her journey from the humble tram to the ferry, from the land of the impressive Hooghly to the enchanting oriental journey.
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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

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