What I say is nothing new and each one of us knows it too well.I keep repeating it because it reinforces my faith in silence,in the benefits of hard work and strengthens my belief that in order to stay motivated one should be usefully engaged.
People ask me whether I never get tired. Of course I do and I tell them that middle age anxiety only worsens it.Yet ! it set me thinking also.Maybe my attitude helps. Immediately what cropped up in my mind was, what about the elders,distinguished luminaries,eminent persons,contemporaries and those younger to me who are fruitfully occupied ,work much more than me and are healthy in body and mind, not to forget our own hale and hearty PM.
That's when a flood of thoughts invaded my mind and as always it was an
irresistible urge to put it down in paper and then post it on a wall. Writing is meditation. Writing is therapeutic. Writing heals. So where's the question of getting tired. ? Writing puts me back on my feet.
Let me begin with Passion.Once you give your heart and soul to a work, you can never be really tired. Our day begins with a glass of water, a cup of coffee or tea or maybe honey and lime or anything else. So once you get up,if coffee is the first thing on your mind,just go and get it. Naturally you have fine tuned your mind to think only about coffee and how to go about making it.The mind is focussed just on the cup without any other thoughts. On consumption of your favourite drink, the mind is appeased and you are energised. It's more about the positive attitude in play rather than just the caffeine. As you complained of aches a little earlier, tiredness, that had prevented you from getting up from bed has disappeared.
Mind you ! the disappearance is temporary though, and not too far away from you .From here onwards, it is going to be just you, your tiredness and how you are mentally prepared to tackle it. Caught in a crossfire of lethargy and activity, if you choose to remain active, you will be spared and tiredness will be forced to take a back seat. Procrastination is permitted if the activity is not priority and if there is a sense of urgency. delegation is allowed and troops may be deployed.These are just some tips to keep tiredness at bay
smile emoticon
Once the coffee ritual is over, if it is the urge to pick up the newspaper, nothing on earth can prevent you from indulging in such activity. You are going to feel good.Go ahead ! Then ,go get those good hormones to work. As a result, the mind is going to be steadfastedly concentrated on thoughts of the newspaper, if the delivery boy has not yet arrived or buried within the pages if you have got hold of it. Here the time spent on waiting is clearly not whiling and reading is a useful activity. As you get engrossed in the news of the daywho is making headlines and who is not, the mind will fall silent yet again only to contemplate on your area of interest and ponder at leisure sometime later .Lost in the world of newsmakers and events,when the focus is entirely on imbibing and retention being the sole objective, the mind on its own has attained silence.This is how energy is conserved and entry of tiredness is thwarted.Now you are ready to take on the world with it's challenges.
One could cite innumerable examples, people from various walks of life,mothers,fathers,brothers,sisters,sons,daughters,friends,scientists,engineers,businessmen,
doctors,auditors,bankers,artistes,musicians,filmamkers,story writers,actors,homemakers,teachers,students,sportsmen ,helpers,maids,technicians,plumbers,carpenters,blacksmiths.....One could go on and on and realise that inspite of different ways of working ,socialising,serving......goals being different, there is one thing in common.When it is the passion that keeps one going ,doing what one loves to do, one is busy in what keeps him/her happy.This in turn builds concentration and while engaged in any such activity,the mind is free of clutter and is silent.Happiness wards off tiredness with ease.It's all in the mind they say. As opposed to treating fatigue, I would suggest ,to stay happy is a solution.
What is significant is that, inspite of any tiredness that will try to creep in,when passion is always uppermost in mind,there can be neither room for negative thoughts nor for tiredness .Hence it is is of paramount importance to love your job,develop a hobby,be engaged actively,stay strong mentally and not succumb to diversions which may cause the mind to be cluttered with unnecessary thoughts .A mind that is trained to be silent will ensure freedom from fatigue for the body.
Keep watching this space for the next update on how to stay bubbling with enthusiasm and vitality and why a cook at home woman who behaves or rather acts like a five star chef is absolutely relevant to this topic...
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