The last word of each paragraph (in double quotes) is a Latin word and the first word or words (in single quotes) of the next paragraph is the meaning of the Latin word. The poem is incomplete and can be continued.......
is a language which I do not know.
Yet !
it thrives in my expressions apropos.
words work out that is a word gym.
plagiarism is simply copying “verbatim.”
by word,' I learn and explain
this how all wordy nerds train ?
all Greek. Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta.
and if
my grey cells light up, “mea culpa ?”
fault,' I claim total responsibility.
! woman," I say," Unleash your writing creativity,
prose or limericks, all side by side,
self certified as being yours, “bonafide.”
and real is indeed the need of the hour.
So, I
put on a thinking cap to enhance my word power.
shunned the cuts, pastes and wore a broad beam
told myself, " Start writing, “carpe diem.”
the day,' is a lesson I have learnt often.
and keys have taken over the paper and pen .
impetus is slowly gaining momentum.
Will I
now be able to resume longhand “ad infinitum ?”
Latin words and their meanings have been sourced from the internet to compose these verses.
Latin words and their meanings have been sourced from the internet to compose these verses.
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