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This post is purely a fragment of my imagination ! Quite like Unreal News.Com   ! Note that the countries come in alphabetical order !...

Friday, March 20, 2020

When a virus went viral......

WHO alerted the world and declared COVID as Pandemic
and people worldwide are in a state of panic.
In a bid to get back home, the traveller cut short his stay.
As governments issued restrictions, the family man is worried about his pay.
The questions are many and the concerns are real.
Coz routines are disrupted and offices are sealed.
How long will it be for normalcy restoration ?
Can working from home for a driver ever be a solution ?
When was it last that borders closed almost simultaneously ?
When was it last that religious places closed down indefinitely ?
When was it last that people world wide practiced social distancing ?
When was it last that people came out on balconies and started singing ?
When was it last that governments ordered a complete lock down ?
All this and more are troubling the worried common man.
Who knows what Mother Nature has in plan ?
The COVID 19 has sparked fears world wide
as reports keep coming in about people who have died
are mostly the elderly and those with their health compromised.
The COVID 19 has been declared as a pandemic
So stay alert, prepare but never ever panic.
Corona viruses have been around for decades.
If you catch a cold or a cough please don't get afraid .
A common cold will subside on its own.
Remember the advice..." With or without medicine, in a week, the cold is gone. "
The threat is real but staying calm is important.
In the absence of hygeine, any disease is imminent.
The difference between COVID 19 and the previous viruses
is that the world wide web is adding to the anxiety issues.
Stay informed and forward the positive news.
Be responsible, avoid gatherings and the long queues.
Boost up your immunity, stay hydrated, pop in the fruits, veggies and avoid the handshakes.
Eat healthy, sleep well and don't stock up on daily necessities.
Wear the mask only if you are ill or a caregiver
and most importantly keep the selfless doctor army in your daily prayer.

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